Sunday, June 21, 2009

Monsters in the Woods

by: Elizabeth Sedway,

Have you always wanted to take the little ones backpacking but you haven't known how to? If so, Tahoe Rim Trail has the perfect class for your family. The class is taught by Tim Hauserman, father and author of Monsters In The Woods: Backpacking With Children ; Tim also wrote The Tahoe Rim Trail: The Official Guide for Hikers, Mountain Bikers and Equestrians

Two, 2.5 hour class sessions will provide all of the information you will need, and an overnight backpacking trip will test your new skills.
Class Times:
Tuesday, June 16th from 6:00-8:30pm
Tuesday, June 23rd from 6:00-8:30pm
June 27-28th - Backpacking trip (two full days and one night)Classroom sessions will be held at the TRTA office at 948 Incline Way, Incline Village. Cost: $95.00 per family. Each family will receive a copy of the class textbook, Monsters in the Woods: Backpacking with Children Register: For more information or to register, contact the instructor directly, Tim Hauserman at Details: One or more parent can attend the the classroom sessions. Please leave your child(ren) at home for the classroom sessions.
A minimum of 7 families must register for the class to run, and Tim will accept a maximum of 10 families. What is covered?June 16th:The joys of backpacking - why it's not as complicated as you thinkWhen is the right age?Great places to go around the regionWhat goes in your backpack, and what doesn't!
What to bring backpackingBackpacking with infants and toddlersJune 23rd:How to enjoy your time in the wilderness and have funTeaching kids about natureShould you bring your dog?Bears and other scary thingsSafety Issues: Dehydration, hypothermia, sunburn, etc.Using the outdoor facilitiesHiking ethics: Leave No TraceA review of your equipmentHiking StoriesJune 27-28th Backpacking Trip:This trip is optional and is free to participants after completion of the classroom time. Suitable for children 6 years and older. Destination is Dardanelles Lake, 3.5 miles each way. Participants must bring their own food, clothing & equipment

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