Wednesday, July 8, 2009

South Lake Tahoe Day Camps - Tadaka and Radical


Camp Tadaka & Camp Radical are recreational programs designed to provide enrichment, entertainment and recreation activities for first through eighth graders. Please consult with one of the leaders or front desk staff, (530) 542-6056, if you have any questions. Before signing up your children for any of the Day Camps or Fun Trips, please consider their maturity, emotional and physical abilities.
Activities: Arts and crafts, games, swimming, field trips and hikes, skating and bike rides are some of the activities we provide. Camp Tadaka will participate in all "Fun Trips". A calendar of the entire summer is available by clicking here. Pre-registration and Payment: Camp Tadaka is a drop in program. You must have a completed release form on file prior to your child's first day of attendance. You may pre-register for any day. Pre-registration is required for all "Fun Trips". Fees start at $20.00 per day per child, which covers all activities. You have two payment options available: $90 for 1 week Monday-Friday , or pay by the day. Mail in your payment with your reservation, bring it by or call: (530) 542-6056.
Camp Radical is designed for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. If there are any openings that day energetic, prepared, younger (youth going into 5th grade) Tadaka participants may participate with parent and leader approval. We recommend pre-registration for Camp Radical. Radical only has a pay by the day and prices vary depending on the schedule activity for the day. Mail in your payment with your reservation, bring it by or just call in and we can take your credit card information over our secure phone lines.
Hours and Days of Operation: Camp Tadaka - Monday thru Friday, from 7:30-6:30pm.Camp Radical - Monday thru Thursday from 7:30-6:30pm. Program dates are June 22 - September 4, 2009. Parents must sign their children in each morning by 9:15 unless stated otherwise on the calendar. Parents must sign their child out by 6:30pm or will be charged $5.00 per child for each fifteen minutes increment. Typically, children return, each day, to the Recreation and Swim Complex at 4:30pm.

Here is a video of the playground at this location:

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